Waterproofness is indicated by the water pressure that a fabric can withstand without any water penetrating the fabric. But is hard to imagine what these numbers mean, so we placed a specific rain condition next to it.
Why is our outerwear not completely waterproof? That is because we try to balance the waterproofness with the breathability of the fabric, so that you stay dry on the inside of the jacket and feel comfortable when running or cycling.


Shower or mist rain
Waterproof fabric < 2.000mm H²O

Moderate rain (1 – 15mm/hr)
Waterproof fabric 2.000 – 5.000mm H²O

Heavy rain (15 – 30mm/hr)
Waterproof fabric 5.000 – 10.000mm H²O

Storm (> 50mm/hr)
Waterproof fabric > 10.000mm H²O


Is expressed in terms of how many grams (g) of water vapor can pass through a square meter (m²) of the fabric from the inside to the outside in a 24 hour period.
How breathable a garment do I need? Well, it’s tempting to say “more is better” but the real answer depends on your level of activity. A layer of warm, moist air between your body and your shell can mean warmth as long as your underlayers don’t become saturated with moisture. In cold, dry weather a super breathable shell can actually lead to visible clouds of water vapor exiting the wearer’s body, which leads to heat loss. Wearing underwear is important in that matter. In hot conditions however super breathable garments are a must.

< 2.000 gr/m²/24hr
2.000 – 5.000 gr/m²/24hr
> 5.000 gr/m²/24hr


Protection against the windchill factor – the temperature experienced in a blowing wind which is below the actual temperature.
